Good news… The future is looking UP!

Heeeeeeeeello there! Why so bright? Well, the future is looking up!

You see, after some irritating technology problems, I can finally post on my own account!!!!!!!!!! Also, I have to admit, the quality of this blog has been less than satisfactory, but that too is going to change!

Okay, now for a little rant on cheese tigers…

OK Aparri. Let me talk. Like REAL TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheese tigers? WHY?! Who came up with the idea of a TIGER that looked like CHEEEESE? Who considered that a good idea? Like, would you do a tiger that looked like, say, a blueberry with cheese sauce on it? No! So why is a TIGER THAT LOOKS LIKE CHEESE POPULAR?!?!?!?! It’s like say, one of those shudder shade fashion trends. WHY? You’re doing it because someone famous did it. That is LITERALLY why. “He did it!!!” they say, as if it’s a possible excuse. OMG GUYS!!!


Yours Truly,


P.S. This is Snow. Mega’s normally very pleasent, really. But… She has strong feelings, kay?

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